
Thesis for a creative process

Cazu Zegers Architecture

Cazú Zegers has a different angle of approach towards architecture, generating articulations and infrastructure from the poetic word.

Zegers incorporates an expressive search, closely related to Latin America, its territory, landscape and traditions. From here arises a work “in progress” that involves a poetic reflection on the way we inhabit the territory.The thesis that inspires her work is related to the idea of living in a “light and precarious way”, referring to a lo-tek architecture but with a high experiential impact; understanding that the greatest value of Chile and Latin America is in its territory:

“The territory is to America, as the monuments are to Europe,” says Cazú.

“My architecture is born from the perception
to include observation as an initial element of the architectural process. This is when the “where” you situate yourself manifests in the territory, using observation as a tool of abstraction. This is how the first gesture of the architectural work is born. To explain it further, I have created the methodology named “Plaza de Rombo” that provides a figure of the landscape through drawing. The rhombus figure is capable of displaying space, the center of which is defined by the observer, who appears in the territory for analysis and drawing of the place. What we undertsand as “Geopoetics” is also born here: an encounter between geographical attributes that are observed and the poetic word.


Current of thought and concept coined by Kenneth White that describes the poetics of territories as creators of culture (Institut Geopoetique, 1979).

The territory is to America what
monuments are to Europe

The result of this crossing is what she names
as a “gesture” and it is in whose seed lies all the potentiality of the form for the project to be deployed in space. With the definition of the initial gesture, “gesture-figure-form” can be applied, a methodology inaugurated by Cazú Zegers in 1990. This methodology is characterized by generating three steps of the architectural process through drawing. From the drawing of the gesture you can create the figure of the project and then find the shape it will take.
By defining its gesture, figure and form, the architectural works of Cazú Zegers can be

understood from what she names as the “Territory Thesis”. This refers to three bodies of works generated throughout her career that demonstrate the incorporation of energy as matter in architecture, in addition to how energy (understood from Einstein’s formula, E=mc2) is another attribute of space. Zegers is questioning how dense the matter of architectural space is, therefore, her interest is in generating dynamic works, which entails speed, not in a gravitational way but in creating a suspended and fast work, in her words: “the curve is can be a straight line thanks to speed.”

©Cazú Zegers Architecture
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